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Tag Archives: Another Round RVA

Falset/Pyramid Theorem/Spiral Fracture/Arkaza

Falset/Pyramid Theorem/Spiral Fracture/Arkaza

Fly By Night (Rush) and Black Dog RVA (Led Zeppelin)

Fly By Night (Rush) and Black Dog RVA (Led Zeppelin)

Casket Robbery/Nights Of Malice/Sacrificial Betrayal

Casket Robbery/Nights Of Malice/Sacrificial Betrayal

Artillery 40th Anniversary Tour

Artillery 40th Anniversary Tour

Catharsis/Lost Soul/Shovelhead A.D./Hollowed Grounds

Catharsis/Lost Soul/Shovelhead A.D./Hollowed Grounds
Another Round Bar and Grill – Richmond, VA

Paradiso/Cranium Drain/Part Death – Free Metal Friday

Another Round Bar and Grill – Richmond, VA FREE METAL FRIDAY!! This should be a thing all over the country to encourage local and regional bands to get out and show off their style. I love that Another Round incentivizes bands and fans to come out for a night of cool music. No cover should  Continue Reading »

Sacrificial Betrayal/Kazha/Offensive/Ametropia – Another Round Bar And Grill – March 25, 2024

Another Round Bar and Grill – Richmond, VA It was a bit strange being at Another Round on a Monday night. I’m usually there on weekends, but this gave me an opportunity to catch a different side of the place. Monday night hosts a pool league, so I watched people who have actual skills play.  Continue Reading »

Folterkammer – Another Round RVA – Richmond, VA, March 23, 2024

Folterkammer – Another Round RVA – Richmond, VA, March 23, 2024

Grave Heist/Coronary Thrombosis/Sickbay/Sacrificial Betrayal – Another Round RVA – Richmond, VA, March 2, 2024

Grave Heist/Coronary Thrombosis/Sickbay/Sacrificial Betrayal – Another Round RVA – Richmond, VA, March 2, 2024

Sacrificial Betrayal/Lost Without/Letcher/The Eylis – Another Round RVA – Richmond, VA, March 1, 2024

Sacrificial Betrayal/Lost Without/Letcher/The Eylis – Another Round RVA – Richmond, VA, March 1, 2024

All written content published on this website are created by Kevin Lewis

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Metal Zenith works together with multiple recordlabels and promoters, such as:
Avalon Records, Frontiers SRL, The Artisan Era, AFM Records, Inverse Records, Layered Reality Productions, Atlantic Records, 361 Degrees Records and more

Want your name included in this list? Send me an email and we will make it work!

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Metal Zenith