Tag Archives: Ergo Atlas

Apotheus is a four-piece Progressive Metal band from Portugal that loves to weave tales to take you on a musical and lyrical journey. Very cinematic in their approach to songwriting, Ergo Atlas is a concept album that is part two of a story Apotheus is writing based on the works of Isaac Asimov. Recently, they answered some question I posed to them, clarifying a few things that I assumed incorrectly. Read on to find out what inspires them, what they think of AI and even a couple hints to the future. This is a band that write interesting concepts and takes the time to add in elements of current and future times. Part sci-fi, part current events, they straddle the line between now and forever.
Apotheus – Ergo Atlas

Apotheus is a four-piece Progressive Metal band from Portugal that loves to weave tales to take you on a musical and lyrical journey. Very cinematic in their approach to songwriting, Ergo Atlas is a concept album that is part two of a story Apotheus is writing based on the works of Isaac Asimov. A single concept album can be very difficult to write as it requires thematic elements to carry the story through all the music and lyrics. The musical themes are every bit as important as the lyrical ones. Carrying this across more than one album increases the difficulty and is not something to be tried without a clear vision guiding the project. Apotheus has achieved something few bands dare to try.