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Tag Archives: Metal Zenith

Meurtrières – Ronde De Nuit

Meurtrières has a way of pointing out that the more things change, the more they stay the same. If that is not a Punk attitude, I don’t know what is. I’m glad I got to revisit this band. I hope they keep going for a long time to come as they have the ability to use history to teach current events. There is something to be said about that. Maybe they’re trying to tell us “those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it.”

Ex Aegis – Ex Aegis

Ex Aegis is a Power/Prog Metal band with Hard Rock sensibilities mixed in. Hailing from Sacramento, California, they blend beautifully into the West Coast Metal scene. You can hear the 80s influences and the new production and recording qualities, giving this album a timeless feel.

Applehead – The Light Side Of The Apple

Harkening back to a time when Hard Rock was melodic, Applehead is a throwback to a long-lost era. The Light Side Of The Apple wanders through musical genres while exploring personal themes and searching for answers to eternal questions. Applehead shifts from eerie, mournful phrases to high-energy rockers without missing a beat, shifting gears like  Continue Reading »

Anger As Art – Virtual Sympathy

Anger As Art is exactly what you would expect from their name; brutality with refinement. Sludgy, Doom-laden guitar work with harsh vocals start the record off beautifully in “The Crushing Wheel.” The intro segment is slow, heavy, dark, and quite moving. The fade out with just the bass elevates the song to new heights. That is a bold ending and it works very well.

Obsidian Tide – The Grand Crescendo

Obsidian Tide is a three-piece Technical/Progressive Metal band from Tel Aviv, Israel. Formed in 2012, they combine clean and harsh vocals with a wide variety of different musical styles. Ranging from gentle, almost lilting melodies to incredibly aggressive metal, Obsidian Tide allows your mind to wander through soundscapes that are relaxing, but are not afraid  Continue Reading »

Exi(s)t – Collateral Damage

This album is one that will catch you off guard. It fuses Progressive Rock and Metal with many other styles and genres to create an Avant-Garde Metal record wild enough to leave a very lasting impression. This is one of the best rollercoaster rides I’ve had in a while.

All written content published on this website are created by Kevin Lewis

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Metal Zenith works together with multiple recordlabels and promoters, such as:
Avalon Records, Frontiers SRL, The Artisan Era, AFM Records, Inverse Records, Layered Reality Productions, Atlantic Records, 361 Degrees Records and more

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Metal Zenith